Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 67

volume Number : 14
number In Volume : 9
issue Number : 67

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 14، number In Volume 9، ، issue Number 67

Studing, redition and analysis of Mevlan's Ghazals according to a common stylistic feature (Stylistic Analysis of Mevlana's Ghazals)

Elham Khalili (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the study and research of a literary text, the accuracy and authenticity of the text is more important and thought-provoking than anything else. Forouzanfar, Mojtaba Minavi, Shafiee Kadkani and Tawfiq Sobhani have already done valuable research on the correction and authenticity of the manuscripts of the Supreme Court. The Great Divan of Forouzanfar has already been more reliable in terms of correction than other works; However, as Minavi and Shafi"i Kadkani have pointed out, Forouzanfar"s corrected Divan-e Kabir has some problems in terms of method and correction, the re-correction of which is a requirement of the research field.

METHODOLOGY: This article was a descriptive-analytical study.

FINDINGS: During the re-correction of Divan-e Kabir, the author encountered several lyric poems that differed from the lyric poems of printed divans in terms of vertical structure and number of bits; Even in some cases a considerable number of bits of printed divans; Among them was Forouzanfar"s corrected court. The author considers these forms due to the corrected neglect of a stylistic feature of Rumi"s sonnets. Therefore, in this study, by examining and analyzing phonetic stylistics, a unique stylistic feature has been introduced in a considerable number of sonnets, which ignoring this stylistic feature causes the verses to be split and far away, and in some cases some of the verses are removed.

CONCLUSION: The author"s claim is that a number of lyric poems of Divan-e Kabir have been divided into authentic versions regardless of their specific style and manner of writing, and their semantic and structural entanglement has been lost. Therefore, first of all, these sonnets have been studied from the point of view of etymology and the result of studying the etymology of these sonnets is mentioned in the following article entitled: Then the two sonnets are brought together and finally in the study of the stylistics of these sonnets, the phonetic and typological layer of the sonnets and to some extent the coherence of the verses are studied. Then it is concluded that due to stylistic, typographical, structural and semantic reasons, the separation of these sonnets in the existing printed divans from Shams sonnets is incorrect and the juxtaposition of these verses helps to better understand the poem. In addition, some verses of the same sonnets have been omitted from the Divan of corrected by Master Forouzanfar during the correction mentioned in this article, verses whose authenticity is also confirmed by a valid manuscript.

Stylistic features , the way of writing verses in manuscript

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